Super Sketcher
I'm an avid mobile phone gamer and to say that I've played a lot of games would, well, do gross injustice to the punishment that my phone buttons have endured. So to blow me away, a game would have to be more than great, and well Super Sketcher is the Superman of more than great.
The entire concept itself is absolutely amazing. You're a bored student in a class and you sketch a hero. Now this hero dude has to do hero stuff (obviously) like run at 200 mph on obstacle courses. Now you, the bored student (I did not need to say that lol ), are supposed to draw things with your pencil to help him overcome the obstacle course. Like different shapes to help him jump and/or lines to bridge gaps.
Difficulty is optimum. Its easy enough for you to stay addicted and difficult enough to not blaze through it.
And if this game has the ability to unhook me from Pokemon Black and Final Fantasy II (both on an amazing gameboy emulator that uses my A & B buttons), its certainly got the right stuff.
176x220 Version
I cant put the 320x240 one up because it dont support large scale piracy. :P
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